How Decentralized Exchanges Work: Everything You Need to Know

DEX platforms are the heart and soul of the DeFi sector as they enable users to exchange digital assets. The main reason for their existence is to create a space where people can interact in a trustless environment without the need to ask intermediaries to settle disputes and conduct transactions fairly. This specific feature of the DeFi sector is the goal of cryptocurrencies that were conceived as an alternative to fiat money that is inherently centralized and can be easily manipulated by financial institutions.

The DeFI sector has over 1,400 different exchanges operating across over 30 chains. The number of independent blockchains that also have different financial services is much higher but we are talking about protocols tracked by various on-chain analytics platforms like DeFiLlama or De.Fi. The total value locked across these numerous platforms is over $16.4 billion as of September 2024.

Comparing decentralized and centralized exchange platforms: What’s the difference?

Centralization is the reason why Bitcoin was born in 2008. The flames of the massive financial crisis were still scarring investors and regular folks all over the world when an anonymous developer under the nickname Satoshi Nakamoto published his magnum opus. Bitcoin’s whitepaper strongly implies that the creation of a decentralized monetary system is the only way of preventing financial institutions from causing another financial crisis or leading everyone to a situation where currencies completely lose value.

Blockchain technology allows users to operate in a trustless environment where the counterparty risk is completely nullified by the nature of the digital ledger that uses a consensus mechanism to validate transactions that are forever recorded and can be easily verified. It is an elegant solution that still has some rough edges but has been working as intended so far with a few hiccups along the way.

When the Bitcoin network was relatively small and the number of users did not create congestion, throughput was not an issue. However, it turned into one when the number of simultaneous transactions grew. The introduction of other networks that hoped to solve the scalability issue created a new ecosystem that needed more than just P2P marketplaces where users could exchange digital assets.

Centralized exchanges started popping up here and there offering services similar to those offered by brokers. However, many crypto enthusiasts who did not like the idea of centralization were dissatisfied. Decentralized exchanges have been around for a long time. However, their popularity exploded after the infamous FTX collapse, which exposed centralization issues.

What is a decentralized exchange (DEX) platform?

A decentralized exchange is a protocol that allows users to trade assets directly from their wallets without contacting counterparties by interacting with smart contracts. The latter are tiny self-executing programs that are triggered when certain conditions are met. A trader does not have to search for someone to trade with like in the case of peer-to-peer trading or temporarily give up ownership of funds. Instead, they commit to a trade and it is processed automatically.

Exchanges can operate in a variety of ways, but there are three distinct categories that represent the overwhelming majority of protocols:

  • Automatic market makers. These protocols use smart contracts to control liquidity. The vast majority of them are designed similarly to what Vitalik Buterin famously described in his published work on the topic. Essentially, smart contracts hold tokens that can be released upon certain conditions are met. To operate, such protocols need liquidity provided by other users who are rewarded with a cut of revenue when assets in the pool are utilized by smart contracts.
  • Order book DEXes. These can operate on-chain or off-chain. In both cases, traders are working in a familiar environment if they have any experience with traditional financial markets and have participated in trading on stock exchanges. On-chain decentralized exchanges may offer leverage to users who would like to increase risk and magnify potential profits. Off-chain exchanges settle all operations on the blockchain.
  • DEX aggregators are protocols that automatically seek liquidity from all available sources to facilitate faster trades. As the name suggests, they simply use liquidity collected by other platforms and can tap into various pools to ensure that users can trade without any delays and with less slippage compared to other types of DEXes.

Liquidity on decentralized exchange platforms

When someone wants to make a trade, there must be a sufficient quantity of the target asset in the pair to ensure a fast exchange. This is what is called liquidity — the capacity of an asset to be swapped for another asset. Since all smart contracts rely on sufficient liquidity to operate, decentralized exchanges are always competing for investor funds. In some cases, DEXes offer exorbitant interest rates or incentivize contributions to liquidity pools by giving sizeable rewards in native, governance, or layer-2 tokens.

Low liquidity leads to slippages when there are simply not enough assets in a pool and a trade is processed at unfavorable rates leading to financial losses. Since larger orders have a higher risk of slippage insufficient liquidity deters investors from using DEXes.

Decentralized vs centralized exchange platforms

Some key differences between these two types of exchanges can be summarized thusly:

Centralized Exchanges (CEX)Decentralized Exchanges (DEXes)
Operated by a corporationOperated by DAOs or corporations
Offer custodial servicesOperate as non-custodial platforms
Use privately owned reserves for liquidityUse liquidity pools
Have a single point of failureDo not have single points of failure
May not disclose operational dataOperate transparently and can be independently audited

One of the biggest issues with DEXes is the novelty of some risks on top of market volatility, liquidity shortages, and other known dangers. For example, smart contracts can have critical vulnerabilities that are easily exploited by crafty bad actors. Investors face risks like impermanent loss, unexpected gas fees, and other issues when trying to earn income by putting assets into pools.

However, these shortcomings have solutions that are being developed and implemented as you are reading this article. What really makes DEXes different from centralized exchanges is that users are in control of their assets at all times and take full responsibility for the safety of their holdings.

How to use decentralized exchange platforms

Difficult onboarding is the biggest issue for many DeFi protocols that try to attract users. Newcomers to the industry simply lack the necessary level of technical know-how or feel lost when encountering an interface that they have never seen before. Unfortunately, many DEXes do a poor job of teaching potential clients about their features and available instruments making it hard for new investors to join the DeFi sector.

However, interfaces have improved throughout the years and it just takes a couple of minutes to familiarize yourself with menus and controls. Getting started is even easier than in the case of centralized exchanges since many DeFi protocols require users to simply connect a wallet. For instance, all Ethereum-based protocols support MetaMask. Connect a wallet and you are good to go.

Top benefits of decentralized exchange platforms for crypto traders

Many crypto enthusiasts believe that using DEXes is better in many ways. Investors who have stakes in liquidity pools have obvious reasons to keep this particular narrative alive and well. Many liquidity providers enjoy incredible benefits by simply holding tokens in pools. For instance, the sDAI-USDM pool on Curve DEX has a hefty 9.04% APY and 1.45% in CRV/CVX rewards with 30-day averages regularly outperforming expectations. Compare these yields to what an investor can earn by putting money into US treasury bonds (4.11% in 2024) and the reason why they like DEXes becomes quite clear.

Advantages enjoyed by liquidity providers are just one side of the coin. On the other side, traders also have their reasons for preferring DEXes over centralized platforms:

  • Better security. The absence of third parties in the exchange process and self-custody make operations more secure as there is no single point of failure in this scheme. If smart contracts work as intended, problems occur only due to user errors. At the same time, CipherTrace found out that over $3.2 billion was lost by CEXes in 2021 to hacker attacks.
  • Full anonymity. Centralized exchanges often have to follow KYC and AML guidelines requiring them to disclose user data when asked by law enforcement and other authorities. DEXes, on the other hand, operate without the need to collect personal information. CoinGecko’s survey of the market revealed that 34% of all retail traders choose decentralized protocols due to this particular reason.
  • Fees are much lower. Many decentralized exchanges do not need to collect massive fees to upkeep operations since infrastructures are compact and do not incur the same level of overheads and corporate expenses compared to giants like Binance or Coinbase. Gas fees and smart contract costs are usually the bulk of a commission collected by a protocol. For example, SushiSwap has a 0.3% fee which is much lower than what CEXes charge.
  • Global accessibility. Top decentralized exchange (DEX) platforms can be easily used by people from all over the world if they have an internet connection. International borders, political sanctions, and many other barriers simply do not exist in the DeFi ecosystem allowing equal access to financial services. From an ethical point of view, this is a net good for the world where 1.7 billion people remain unbanked according to the World Bank.
  • Transparency and the neutral regulatory stance of protocols also play a huge role in democratizing financial services. All operations are recorded in a ledger making them easily traceable and verifiable. At the same time, users don’t have to worry about any regulatory limitations unless they want to liquidate their holdings and move them to fiat.

Some of the best DEX platforms in the sector offer versatile financial instruments to traders and investors. It is hard to ignore the benefits of yield farming opportunities for people who have capital that can be parked in liquidity pools. On the other hand, traders can work in a trustless environment and take care of their finances personally instead of giving up control over their assets and hoping that the intermediary is reliable and responsible. It was the biggest mistake of many investors who decided that trusting FTX was a good idea.

The best decentralized exchange platforms for DeFi yield farming

Choosing the right protocol for yield farming is very important. It is relatively easy to find a good protocol if you plan to trade assets. Looking at trading volumes, liquidity pool sizes, and fees is enough. However, reward structures can vary greatly making it hard for investors to identify good opportunities to part their capital.

We want to talk about some of the best protocols in the DeFi sector based on a variety of factors. Note that we do not endorse any of the projects that we are going to discuss below.

The best decentralized exchanges for DeFi users

Finding the right destination for capital allocation is critical for an investor interested in the DeFi sector. Among the best platforms to choose from for both trading and investing are large protocols that have established themselves firmly and have a good track record:

  • Curve DEX is one of the biggest Ethereum-based DEXes with over $1.71 billion in TVL and an $890 million weekly trading volume. Convex Finance is one of the protocols operating within the Curve ecosystem and offers a variety of pools with sizeable rewards. For example, you can invest in the USD+-USDT+ pool for 0.1% pool APY and up to 14.77% in mixed rewards. In total, the protocol operates 540 pools averaging 6.32% APY.
  • Balancer is an automatic market maker also on Ethereum. It has a $680 million TVL and serves sizeable weekly volumes of $250 million. It is a fine choice if you are interested in yield farming and liquidity pools. Balancer has 214 pools with an average APY of 2.87%. You can find a variety of pools offering rewards in BAL tokens and many others.

The most secure decentralized exchange platforms

Safety is hugely important for the long-term success of your investment operations. Identifying reliable projects is not that easy. We strongly recommend working with protocols that undergo external code audits and run expensive bug bounty programs. High TVL is also a good indicator of trustworthiness.

Here are some good choices:

  • Aerodrome on Base. This blockchain was founded by Coinbase and has strong financial support to run comprehensive audits and reward bug hunters handsomely. The centralized exchange has been around for over a decade and has a good track record making their initiative quite popular among investors. Aerodrome is one of the most generous platforms out there. For example, the OVN-USD+ pool ($40.9 million TVL) offers up to 175% in AERO rewards.
  • UniSwap on Ethereum is a multi-chain protocol that offers a wide range of services and operates some of the biggest pools in the sector. The total value locked across all 12 supported chains is over $4.31 billion and the number of pools is simply staggering. UniSwap offers 3672 tracked pools averaging 19.85% APY. It is not suited for yield farming but interest rates are too good to skip completely.
  • Pancakeswap is deployed on the Binance Smart Chain. The TVL is massive with over $1.644 billion locked in by hundreds of thousands of investors from 9 chains including BSC, Ethereum, Aptos, and Arbitrum. The protocol operates 261 pools averaging 30% APY and with rewards reaching massive values. For example, you can invest in the NMT-USDC pool for 5.49% base APY and up to 125% in rewards.

Low-fee decentralized exchange platforms

Some of the best protocols to work with if you plan to trade actively are the ones that have low commissions usually achieved through using rollups and reducing gas fees. These often offer high APYs too. Note that the cost of transactions depends on a variety of factors including network usage and the type of blockchain they operate on. For instance, Ethereum transactions are more expensive than those on Base. Layer-2 solutions are usually cheaper than layer-1.

  • SushiSwap is a multichain decentralized protocol operating across 36 chains including Ethereum, BSC, Gnosis, Arbitrum, Optimism, Scroll, Core, Base, and many others. The protocol has over $217 million in TVL and operates 609 pools averaging 3.09% APY in September 2024. 30-day averages can be quite high reaching 13.9% (FALCON-DAI). SushiSwap may offer rewards on some of their pools including WETH-SAK3.
  • Trader Joe is another good choice for traders seeking lower fees. The protocol is primarily using Arbitrum for its operations and offers low fees collecting, within 7 days, roughly $300K on a much higher trading volume of $413 million compared to Cetus AMM which has comparative TVL and collects $458K in fees on a $220 million volume.
  • Raydium on Solana is among oop decentralized crypto trading platforms that offer low fees, process massive volumes ($1.454 billion in 7 days), and collect just $3.3 million in the process. Commissions here are slightly higher than on Trader Joe or some other exchanges, but Raydium is the premiere DEX of the Solana network and has a massive TVL of over $860 million.

Why decentralized exchange platforms are the future of crypto trading

Centralization has its perks and can be useful to many retail traders who make lots of small-scale trades involving different types of assets. However, speculative trading is a small part of the overall investment operations in tradfi. Many institutional investors and individual capital holders will be interested in self-custody and trading large quantities of assets at a fraction of the cost they usually pay in CeFi.

The DeFi sector has a somewhat uncertain future with user activity going up and down while TVL numbers fluctuate dramatically. However, there is no denying that it is an ecosystem that must exist for the crypto market to continue growing. DEXes will continue playing a huge role in the development of the blockchain industry!